atlas human anatomy netter 4th edition (pdf)

atlas human anatomy netter 4th edition (pdf)

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The Fourth Edition of Atlas of Human Anatomy by
Frank H. Netter, MD, has been updated by our
Consulting Editor team of Jennifer K. Brueckner, Stephen W. Carmichael,T homas R. Gest, Noelle A. Granger,
John T. Hansen,a nd Anil H. Walji.W e have each reviewed, mod-
ified, and updated a section of the Atlas. Throughout the book, new radiographs,c omputed tomographic (CT) images, CT an- giograms, and magnetic resonance (MR) images have been added, which reflects the importance of diagnostic imaging in clinicala natomy and medicine.I n this edition, 45 plates have been revised to show corrected anatomical relationships2, 90 plates have been relabeled, and there are 17 completely new plates. Wonderful new artwork for this edition has been created
by Carlos A. G. Machado, MD, who has contributed to the Netter illustrations for over ten years. Anatomicaln omenclature
has been brought up to date, and clinical terms and eponymsi n common usage have been included parenthetically. The genius of Dr. Netter's paintings is that the anatomyi s portrayed clearly,
realisticallya, nd in a clinicallyr elatable fashion while maintaining
the balance between complexity and oversimplificationW. e have tried to adhere to these principles in the creation of the new plates for this edition. Finally,s ome of the plates were re- arrangeda s page-pairs, wherea ppropriate, to facilitates ide-by-
side comparisons of commonly illustrated elements. This fourth edition owes much to the consulting editors of the earlier edi- tions, Drs. Sharon Colacino (Oberg)( first edition),A rthur F. Dalley ll (second edition), and John T. Hansen (third edition),w ho shep- herded their editions with great skill and uncompromising pro- fessionalism, making our task significantly easier

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