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General and Oral Pathology for Dental Hygiene Practice (pdf) - Sandra Myers, Alice Curran

Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials, 2nd Edition (pdf) - Yoshiki Oshida

Dental Anatomy and Physiology, US Army (pdf) - US Army, DENTAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY,

Implant Dentistry at a Glance (pdf) - Jacques Malet, Francis Mora, Philippe Bouchard

Head and Neck Anatomy for Dental Medicine (pdf) - Eric W. Baker , Michael Schuenke , Erik Schulte , Udo Schumacher

Biomechanics in Dentistry: Evaluation of Different Surgical Approaches to Treat Atrophic Maxilla Patients (pdf) - Muhammad Ikman Ishak

Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology (pdf) - Barry K. B. Berkovitz, Bernard J. Moxham, Roger W. A. Linden, Alastair J. Sloan