Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Root Instrumentation, 7th Edition (pdf)

Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Root Instrumentation, 7th Edition (pdf)

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The seventh edition of Peridontal Instrumentationand Advanced Root Instrumentation continues in the tradition of bringing faculty and students everything they need to understand instrumentation and put knowledge into practice. Taking a highly visual, step-by-step approach, this title is an easy-to-use guide to learning this crucial component of dental hygiene. No other text offers such an array of features and topics, all presented by one of the most well-known authors in the dental hygiene field.

This new edition combines a focus on currency, with updated content to reflect new technologies and regulations in this field, as well as coupling the text with the robust and valuable ancillaries you have come to expect from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins’ dental hygiene products.

Covering all necessary topics, this edition also features detailed information on:

Design and use of advanced periodontal instruments
Advanced instrumentation techniques
Instrumentation of dental implants
Ultrasonic instrumentation with modern precision-thin instrument tips
Modifications to “standard” techniques: hyper-extended joints, standing to work on patient that cannot be placed in a supine (flat) position
Air polishing

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