Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry, 2nd Edition (pdf)

Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry, 2nd Edition (pdf)

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Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry: An Illustrated Guide to the Restoration of Extensive Carious Primary Teeth, 2nd Edition
This was one of the first books on the market to illustrate the various clinical techniques for restoration, which is increasingly favored over extraction for primary teeth. A revised and updated edition of this successful text offers, in addition, new material on plastic restorations. Restorative Techniques addresses the specific needs of the pediatric patient, and it helps the clinician manage the restoration with those needs in mind. As a classic volume, it is essential for every dentist, particularly those who work with children and adolescents and particularly those who perform restorative dentistry.

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