Radiology for the Dental Professional, 9th Edition (pdf)

Radiology for the Dental Professional, 9th Edition (pdf)

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A complete guide to radiology principles and techniques, Radiology for the Dental Professional, 9th Edition helps you develop imaging skills through practical application. Detailed step-by-step procedures demonstrate proper techniques; photos and illustrations improve comprehension and readability. Written by Herbert H. Frommer, DDS, and Jeanine J. Stabulas, RDH, BS, MPH, this book will help you interpret radiographs, and troubleshoot and prevent common errors. For students, it’s an ideal introduction to radiology; for dental hygiene/assisting professionals, it’s a great review!

New to This Edition

Expanded coverage of digital imaging techniques.
Patient Management and Special Problems chapter improves coverage of nervous patients, patients with special needs, pediatric patients, and specific problems such as endodontic issues and third molars.
New illustrations depict techniques and show the latest technology.
Key Features

A logical organization starts with the basics and makes it easier to progress through the material.
Procedures boxes show detailed radiography procedures with illustrations and photos to demonstrate proper techniques.
Common Errors boxes explain mistakes in radiographic techniques and describe how they can be resolved.
Advantages/Disadvantages boxes compare and contrast the good and bad elements of radiographic techniques.
Detailed outlines and educational objectives at the beginning of each chapter identify the information that you are expected to learn.
Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and highlighted upon first mention in the text.

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