Mastering Endodontic Instrumentation (pdf)

Mastering Endodontic Instrumentation (pdf)

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Perhaps nothing better typifies the generosity endodontics has been so fortunate to have had in their leaders as their willingness to take a personal interest in the interest of others. I am fortunate to know that first hand. I was the recipient of that generosity when virtually the only reason they had for knowing me was that I was asking them questions. I know of no one so indebted to so many internationally recognized endodontists as I am for having been guided and inspired to pursue endodontic excellence.At the risk of being embarrassed for not listing key individuals responsible for all the important events of my career, there are some that have given particular personal support for my early endeavors.They are: Stephen Schwartz, Barry Korzen, John Ingle, Dudley Glick, Al Frank, Richard Burns, Noah Chivian, Herbert Schilder, Frank Weine, Jeffery Hutter, Al Krakow, Vinio Malagnino, Jean Marie Laurichaise and Dan Even.

I am especially grateful to Dr. Melissa Marchesan from Brazil who spent weeks at my home conducting research for hours on end, day in and day out, and to my son, John Thomas McSpadden, for manning the computerized protocols.

Most of all, I am grateful, as always, to my wife, Jane, for her loving patience and support while it must have seemed to her that I was writing an esoteric non-ending prescription for slumber. My children, Melinda, Matthew, John Thomas and Kathleen, make every endeavor worth while.

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