Evidence-Based Dentistry: An Introduction (pdf)

Evidence-Based Dentistry: An Introduction (pdf)

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This introduction to Evidence-Based Dentistry provides a much-needed orientation in the subject for students and professionals alike. It is a ground-level book for those seeking to understand evidence-based dentistry and its significance for clinical practice. The book is anchored in the dental literature: the majority of the chapters offer guidance on interpreting a full published paper; where both the subject of the paper and the study design is of relevance to the field of dentistry.
Each chapter is organised in a similar way, providing a structured approach to reading and understanding research articles or commercial product information. In this respect, Evidence-Based Dentistry is designed as an introduction to understanding published research and its implications for the dental surgery; rather than as a guide on undertaking research.* Incorporates topical published papers in order to rpovide worked examples* Explains the most6 common forms of research used in dentistry* Unlocks basic statistical and epidemiological concepts, along with key terms* Enables the reader to identify the research question, assess aspects of study design, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of papers and understand their clinical relevance
* Tables, boxes and figures are used extensively to present core information. Useful templates are also provided, which readers may use/adapt for analysis, including study clubs.

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