Mastering Digital Dental Photography (pdf)

Mastering Digital Dental Photography (pdf)

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Mastering Digital Dental Photography
For many clinicians, digital technology holds the promise of simplifying the taking and archiving of photographs, but making the transition from conventional to digital photography can be a daunting task, and it also raises some concerns. How do I select the right camera? Will I lose anything in image quality? How much space will I need for storage? Mastering Digital Dental Photography was written expressly for those who wonder whether they can achieve the high quality they associate with conventional photography while taking advantage of the convenience offered by digital technology. The author, who has been teaching dental photography for the past 20 years, explains everything you need to know to step smoothly into the world of digital photography, whether or not you possess any knowledge of conventional techniques. Readers are guided through the practical steps of taking intraoral, object, and portrait photographs, editing and archiving their images, and importing them into presentations. All those who wish to avoid the pitfalls of buying software and equipment to take high-quality digital dental photographs will want to read this book.

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