Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4th Edition (pdf)

Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4th Edition (pdf)

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Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4th Edition
Describing the diagnosis and management of maxillofacial and associated traumatic injuries step by step, Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4th Edition takes you beyond the surgical management of head and neck trauma to cover the general management of traumatic injuries, systemic evaluation of the trauma patient, and special considerations associated with maxillofacial trauma patient care. New to this edition are over 700 full-color illustrations showing details of traumatic injuries and their treatment. Edited by head and neck trauma expert Dr. Raymond J. Fonseca, along with over 80 highly respected contributors, this comprehensive reference provides all of the information you need to offer the best care possible to maxillofacial trauma patients.

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