Mini-implants in Orthodontics: Innovative Anchorage Concepts (pdf)

Mini-implants in Orthodontics: Innovative Anchorage Concepts (pdf)

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Mini-implants in Orthodontics: Innovative Anchorage Concepts
This textbook is both a practical and theoretic reference book for the clinical use of orthodontic implants. The standard concepts of mini-screw selection and placement in various clinical situations are presented for easy incorporation into everyday practice. In addition, solutions to specific orthodontic problems are illustrated through relevant clinical examples and detailed in a thorough discussion of required protocols, indications and contraindications, potential risks, and clinical problem solving. The editors years of clinical experience and international renown in the field have allowed them to recruit collaborators whose expertise complements their own. The end result is an extensive, authoritative, and eminently practical survey of orthodontic implantology.

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