Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance (pdf)

Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance (pdf)

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Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance (pdf)

This brand new title provides a comprehensive and accessibleguide to the basic clinical skills required of dental studentsabout to embark on their surgical training. It serves as theperfect illustrated introduction to dental clinical skills forpre-clinical students and a handy revision guide for all clinicaldental undergraduate and postgraduate students. Following thefamiliar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presentedas a double-page spread with facts accompanied by clear colourdiagrams and clinical photographs encapsulating essentialknowledge.

Presents the perfect combination of text and image; keyconcepts are explained and superbly illustrated
Includes ‘core’ clinical skills include posture andworking in a mirror, communication skills, lifelong learning andreflection.
Contains self-assessment questions to help test learning andrecognition
Links to the author’s website, which features many moretips and samples, at
Offers detailed teaching notes that accompany each theme withinthe contents list for clinical teachers.

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