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Cone-beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning (pdf) Cone-beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning (pdf) Joachim E. Zöller , Jörg Neugebauer
The demands of minimally in­vasive surgical procedures have led to the widespread use of cone beam volumetric imaging (CBVI) in dental medicine.
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Radiology (pdf) Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Radiology (pdf) Friedrich A. Pasler
Today, for patients of any age, a “panoramic” radiograph that allows high diagnostic reliability with minimum radiation exposure must be acknowledged as the standard of care.
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Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Periodontology, 3rd Edition (pdf) - Herbert F. Wolf, Thomas M. Hassell, Edith M. Rateitschak-Plüss, Klaus H. Rateitschak

Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, 8th Edition (pdf) - Edwina A. M. Kidd, Bernard G. N. Smith, Timothy F. Watson

Wear of Polymers and Composites (2015) (pdf) - Ahmed Abdelbary

Fundamentals of Laser Dentistry (pdf) - Kirpa Johar

Restorative Dentistry, 2nd Edition (pdf) - A. Damien Walmsley, Trevor F. Walsh, Philip Lumley, F. J. Trevor Burke, A. C. Shortall, Richard Hayes-Hall, Iain Pretty

PDQ Endodontics, 2nd edition (pdf) - John I. Ingle

Evidence-Based Orthodontics (pdf) - Greg J. Huang, Stephen Richmond, Katherine W.L. Vig