Clinical Cases in Periodontics (pdf)

Clinical Cases in Periodontics (pdf)

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Wiley-Blackwell’s “Clinical Cases” series is designed to recognize the centrality of clinical cases to the profession by providing actual cases with an academic backbone. Clinical Cases in Periodontics describes the core principles of periodontics and demonstrates their practical, every-day application through a range of representative cases building from the simple to the complex and from the common to the rare. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from infant oral health to complex pulp therapy. Highly illustrated in full color, Clinical Cases in Periodontics utilizes a format that fosters independent learning and prepares the reader for case-based examinations.

The book presents actual clinical cases, accompanied by academic commentary, that question and educate the reader about essential topics in periodontics. The book begins with a set of cases illustrating the most common diagnoses and the key decisions and evaluations leading up to them. Subsequent chapters continue in this style, presenting exemplary cases as the basis of discussing various treatment options including surgical and non-surgical treatment, regenerative therapy, mucogingival therapy, and interdisciplinary treatments. Concluding chapters cover implant site development and general prevention of such periodontal diseases.

Clinical Cases in Periodontics‘s case-based format is particularly useful for pre-doctoral dental students, post-graduate residents and practitioners, both as a textbook from which to learn about the challenging and absorbing nature of periodontology, and also as a reference tool to help with treatment planning when complex cases present in the dental office.

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