Orthodontics and Microimplants (pdf)

Orthodontics and Microimplants (pdf)

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Orthodontics and Microimplants
According to our beliefs, one of the most important events in modern history of orthodontics is the appearance of microimplants. The challenge to 3rd Newton’s law (every action provokes reaction) can be achieved by means of skeletal anchorage, but the use of zygomatic ligatures, mini plates, etc., hasn’t been so wide due to technical difficulties. With microimplants, absolute anchorage has been made available to all the orthodontists thanks to its simple method and to its satisfactory cost-benefit relation.
With this book, we wanted to carry out bibliographic research and at the same time to share our clinical experience in microimplants ‘ use, systemizing their indications to make the initiation of those orthodontist who want to start to use microimplants easy and as a summary of a technique for those who already have experience with them.
This book can be used in two ways: as a textbook for deepening and updating the orthodontic knowledge with microimplants, or as a chair-side manual because the case classification and a high number of schemes clearly explain how to use them, based on our experience.
In chapter 1, Introduction to anchorage in orthodontics, the importance of anchorage in orthodontic treatments is highlighted and conventional methods of anchorage are analyzed .
In chapter 2, Evolution of skeletal anchorage, a short survey of absolute anchorage is carried out and it is finished with the concept of microimplants.
In chapter 3, Anatomical considerations. Where and where not to insert microimplants, a detailed anatomical study is carried out, based on anatomical cuts and tomography studies. The study of this chapter is of outmost importance for the correct selection of microimplant for each zone and to avoid accidents and lesions of dental roots or important anatomical structures.
The study of dental apexes relation with maxillary sinus is of special interest, as well as the study of soft tissues and cortical bone thickness in each interdental space.
In chapter 4, indications and counterindications for microimplant insertion are analized and that is why this chapter is also very important.
Chapter 5 is dedicated to description of microimplants and instruments used in insertion . Microimplants inserting technique is also studied in this chapter, and the reasons of each protocol stage is analyzed.
Chapter 6 is one of the most important parts of the book. In this chapter, biomechanics with skeletal anchorage is analyzed in detail, using numerous schemes and case reports. For better understanding, the comparisons with conventional treatments are made.

Chapter 7 should be read very carefully since it is about prevention of complications and failures. Failure causes are divided in: iatrogenic factors, host factor and characteristics of microimplants. The chapter also contains the steps for preventing perimicroimplantitis, root lesions and deformation or fractures of microimplants.
Chapter 8 is about the documents that should be used in clinical practice, such as informed consent and microimplant care instructions for patients.
Chapter 9 in a form of conclusions analyzes the advantages of microimplants, and chapter 10 contains recommended bibliographical referen ces in alphabetical order, for those who want to broaden their knowledge in skeletal anchorage.
We believe that the title of this book explains for itself its contents since we tried to include all the most common uses of microimplants (complete technique) , and more than 1.800 photographs and schemes make easier the following of the case reports and tech niques which are here exposed in a detail (step by step)

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