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The Teeth And Their Environment: Physical, Chemical And Biomedical Influences (pdf) The Teeth And Their Environment: Physical, Chemical And Biomedical Influences (pdf) Ralph M. Duckworth
Providing a current overview of how physical, chemical and biochemical aspects of the oral environment influence tooth condition
Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research (pdf) Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research (pdf) Emmanuel Lesaffre, Jocelyne Feine, Brian Leroux, Dominique Declerck
Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research provides oral health researchers with an overview of the methodological aspects that are important in planning
Research Writing in Dentistry (pdf) Research Writing in Dentistry (pdf) J. Anthony von Fraunhofer
Research Writing in Dentistry provides you with a uniquely practical guide to selecting, designing, and writing up a research project.
Questions and Answers in Community Dentistry (pdf) Questions and Answers in Community Dentistry (pdf) Kakodkar Pradnya, GS Mamatha
Focus on the key topics, filtered and well aligned with the University syllabus. Provide answers to the filtered questions with simplistic precision, making it easy to understand as well as grasp with ease.
Prevention in Clinical Oral Health Care (pdf) Prevention in Clinical Oral Health Care (pdf) David P. Cappelli, Connie Chenevert Mobley
This book focuses on oral health promotion and the impact of systemic disease in the development of oral disease, as well as how to introduce, apply
Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist: Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complications (pdf) Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist: Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complications (pdf) Susan S. Wingrove
Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist is a comprehensive guide for implant history, prosthetic designs, and patient selection including oral systemic health and risk assessment.
Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Procedures Guide For The Dental Hygienist, 3rd Edition (pdf) Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Procedures Guide For The Dental Hygienist, 3rd Edition (pdf) Jill S Nield-Gehrig
The ability to accurately assess patients is vital to the practice of Dental Hygiene—a complete and accurate assessment is the starting point to providing thorough patient care.
Oral Health Care for Socially Disadvantaged Communities (pdf) Oral Health Care for Socially Disadvantaged Communities (pdf) Febronia Kokulengya Kahabuka, Emil Namakuka Kikwilu, Irene Anderson Kida
This book gathers the current information on management of common oral conditions and proposes an appropriate package for underdeveloped communities.
Making the American Mouth: Dentists and Public Health in the Twentieth Century (pdf) Making the American Mouth: Dentists and Public Health in the Twentieth Century (pdf) Alyssa Picard
Why are Americans so uniquely obsessed with teeth? Perfect white, straight teeth.Making the American Mouth is at once a history of United States dentistry and a study of a billion-dollar industry.
Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations (pdf) Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations (pdf) Committee on Oral Health Access to Services Board on Children, Youth, and Families Board on Health Care Services
Access to oral health care is essential to promoting and maintaining overall health and well-being, yet only half of the population visits a dentist each year.
Evidence-Based Decision Making: A Translational Guide for Dental Professionals (pdf) Evidence-Based Decision Making: A Translational Guide for Dental Professionals (pdf) Jane L. Forrest, Syrene A. Miller, Pam R. Overman, Michael G. Newman
This concise, hands-on text provides a method for making evidence-based decisions in practice. The book presents a step-by-step approach to mastering the five essential skills of evidence-based
Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer (pdf) Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer (pdf) Andrew F. Olshan
The purpose of this book is to provide a current perspective on the epidemiology head and neck cancer.
Detection, Assessment, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Caries (pdf) Detection, Assessment, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Caries (pdf) Nigel Pitts
This chapter provides an overview of how the detection, assessment, diagnosis and monitoring of caries integrate with personalized caries management.
Dental Public Health, A Primer (pdf) Dental Public Health, A Primer (pdf) Meera Patel and Nakul Patel
Most dental students dread revising dental public health (DPH) as they find it tedious and mind-numbing. Nevertheless, the subject is full of fascinating concepts and ideas that may appear a bore over reams of picture-less pages lined with icroscopic black text.
Dental Care and Oral Health Sourcebook (pdf) Dental Care and Oral Health Sourcebook (pdf) Joyce Brennfleck Shannon
Basic Consumer Health Information about Caring for the Mouth and Teeth, Including Facts about Dental Hygiene and Routine Care Guidelines, Fluoride, Sealants, Tooth Whitening Systems, Cavities
Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research, 2nd Edition (.EPUB) Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research, 2nd Edition (.EPUB) Donald Maxwell Brunette
The second edition of this classic textbook should be required reading for undergraduate and graduate students alike. (.EPUB)
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare (pdf) Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare (pdf) Jay S. Kim, Ph.D., Ronald J. Dailey, Ph.D
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare offers students, practitioners and instructors alike a comprehensive guide to mastering biostatistics and their application to oral healthcare.
Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion, 2nd Edition (pdf) Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion, 2nd Edition (pdf) Simon Felton, Alison Chapman
Step by step course companion for dental nurses studying for the Certificate in Oral Health Education.
A Practical Manual of Public Health Dentistry (pdf) A Practical Manual of Public Health Dentistry (pdf) CM Marya
This book has written in concise and clear language. Step by step approach to the history taking, clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, levels of prevention and comprehensive
Tobacco and Your Oral Health (.EPUB) Tobacco and Your Oral Health (.EPUB) Arden G. Christen, Jennifer A. Klein
Here’s an easy way to show your patients the effects of tobacco use on oral tissues. This book describes the range of problems associated with both smoking and chewing tobacco
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Dental Erosion: From Diagnosis to Therapy (pdf) - Adrian Lussi

Clinical Anatomy (11 Edition) (pdf) - Harold Ellis

Dental Public Health, A Primer (pdf) - Meera Patel and Nakul Patel

Dental Pulp Stem Cells (pdf) - Sibel Yildirim

Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition (.PDF) - William R. Proffit, Henry W. Fields, David M. Sarver

Principles of Internal Fixation (pdf) - Michael Ehrenfeld, Paul N Manson, Joachim Prein

Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontology and Implantology (pdf) - Francis J. Hughes , Professor Kevin G. Seymour , Wendy Turner , Shakeel Shahdad ,Francis Nohl