Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, 2nd Edition (pdf)

Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, 2nd Edition (pdf)

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Fully revised and updated to reflect changes in clinical practice, legislation and regulation, this groundbreaking textbook intertwines the subjects of dental hygiene and dental therapy to provide a comprehensive resource for students of these courses, as well as those studying new degree programmes in oral health science. The Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy is designed as a dedicated companion text for these disciplines and should enable students to streamline their primary reading. Following course developments and an expansion in the remits of both hygienists and therapists, this book is written not only for students, but also as a revision aid for those already in practice. Interactive questions on a companion website allow the reader to test their knowledge and understanding.
The opening section of the book is dedicated to relevant oral sciences: anatomy; histology; embryology; oral medicine and pathology. The clinical section contains fourteen chapters which provide coverage of the core syllabus for dental hygiene and therapy. The final section is dedicated to primary dental care services and law, ethics and professionalism.

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